You Should get your unvented water heater serviced every 12 months!! See the video below for reasons why

A typical unvented system can provide very high flow rates meaning you can have multiple out lets always getting excellent pressures between hot and cold taps as well as loads of hot water.

The re heat times are much quicker that vented systems and they also lose a lot less heat due to the extra insulation standard 50mm thick 

Installation's of unvented hot-water cylinders must be carried out by a qualified competent plumber (G3 Un vented) as identified in Approved Document G of the Building Regulations.
You will also need to inform Building Control of any installation. usually around £150.00 to £300.00
  • HSR can take all the pain out of this as we are registered to notify our works without Building Control even Visiting the property. we will notify them provided the installation has been installed correctly and they will send out the building compliance certificate.
  • Manufactures also recommend that unvented hot water tanks be serviced every 12 months to ensure the operate at the best possible levels of performance and safety.
  • HSR Property Solutions are fully trained and registered to install, service all types of water heaters.

An unvented hot water cylinder requires a high water pressure and flow rate 2 bar/22 ltrs min. There are restrictions for the Position of the cylinder and location of discharge pipes.

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